Hi Catherine, Alek,
Here's the impact cream.
The shot is in a slightly different cup, I take it with me.
I kept the Creme rich and added some bubbles beforehand as you requested.
1000 frames is the shot.
Here are two new tests, larger scale and radius for more impact
Koffie 75W/25OS/Kl-Straal 10OS/50M/40W-SpiegelCTR variatie in dikte-handruk heftig vooral bij dikkere spiegel-lossebelletjes aanbrengen
Gladde kant boven
Koffie 75W/25OS-Straal20O/60M/20W-Conf-1000frames
Koffie 75W/25OS-Straal20O/60M/20W-Conf-1000frames- nieuwe stoel